(3 * 8) - 2 + (3 + 6) = ? Calculate step by step.

(3 * 8) - 2 + (3 + 6) = ? Calculate step by step.

Solving the Expression (3 * 8) - 2 + (3 + 6) Step by Step

In this article, we will walk through the step-by-step process of solving the mathematical expression (3 * 8) - 2 + (3 + 6).

Step 1: Understand the Expression

The expression (3 * 8) - 2 + (3 + 6) consists of three main parts:

  1. (3 * 8): This is a multiplication operation, where we multiply 3 by 8.
  2. - 2: This is a subtraction operation, where we subtract 2 from the result of the previous step.
  3. (3 + 6): This is an addition operation, where we add 3 and 6 together.

Step 2: Perform the Multiplication

The first step is to perform the multiplication operation (3 * 8). To do this, we simply multiply the two numbers together:

  • 3 * 8 = 24

Step 3: Perform the Subtraction

Now that we have the result of the multiplication, we can perform the subtraction operation - 2. We subtract 2 from the result of the previous step:

  • 24 - 2 = 22

Step 4: Perform the Addition

The final step is to perform the addition operation (3 + 6). We add 3 and 6 together:

  • 3 + 6 = 9

Step 5: Combine the Results

Now that we have completed all the individual operations, we can combine the results to get the final answer:

  • (3 * 8) - 2 + (3 + 6) = 24 - 2 + 9 = 22 + 9 = 31

Therefore, the final result of the expression (3 * 8) - 2 + (3 + 6) is 31.

By breaking down the expression into smaller, manageable steps and performing the operations in the correct order, we can easily solve complex mathematical expressions and ensure accuracy in our calculations.

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